How to Complete 2024 RCC Online Team Check-in
1) What documents do I need to upload in our team application to complete online check-in?
PDF of team official roster showing approval of governing body, i.e., USYS, US Club, etc.
Write in any tournament player names (guest or club pass) who do not appear on that roster, include DOB, ID #, Jersey #.
One PDF containing copies of any player passes for players written on team official roster, i.e., guest players and/or club pass players – any player not included on official roster.
DO NOT upload passes for players already listed on your official roster.
One PDF containing any necessary travel papers
USYS required docs are 1) Permission to Travel from home state association if coming from outside Region IV/West Region, 2) Player Loan Forms if required by home state association (obtained from home state assn.) 3) Interstate Permission to Travel (for players playing on a team from any state other than their home state, i.e., CO player playing on AZ team or NM player playing on TXN team). This document has its own question (#4) referenced in the next section.
US CLUB teams DO NOT need any travel papers to play in the Real CO Cup.***
***New in June 2022, US Club did add a Player Loan Form to their requirements regarding CLUB-to-CLUB US Club guest players. The Real Cup DOES NOT require this form, however, it appears to be required by US Club to be completed and submitted to ensure US Club Insurance Coverage for the guest player. Please click on the Player Loan Form to be fully informed.
2) Once you have your organized documents, upload them into your team application.
Here is a link about how to upload your check-in documents:
How do I Upload Documents for Online Check In? – GotSport (
There will be five different “questions” for possible uploading of documents.
1st - “Upload your official roster” is REQUIRED of ALL teams. If you do not have any additions and you are not required to have travel papers, this is the only doc you have to upload so you can move on to the next step 3), below.
2nd - PDF of all player passes for NON-rostered players only, i.e. guest players, club pass players. This includes teams from all governing bodies, i.e., USYS, US CLUB, USSSA, AYSO, etc.
3rd - PDF containing Permission to Travel and Loan Papers, if necessary.
4th - PDF of Interstate Permission to Travel (for players playing on a team from any state other than their home state, i.e., CO player playing on AZ team or NM player playing on TXN team), if necessary.
NOTE: only one document can be uploaded to each tab, which is why your documents need to be contained within one document.
If you must add additional documents at a later date, please use the 5th spot entitled Miscellaneous Upload.
3) Create your RCC EVENT ROSTER in your GotSport team application.
There are a few ways to create your RCC Event Roster***
1. Your club administrator can create it for you or give you permission to create it yourself. (1st place to go for help is your club administrator!)***
2. You can clone a previously used GotSport Event Roster.
3. You can create from scratch.
*** MOST IMPORTANT – your GotSport RCC Event Roster MUST EXACTLY MATCH your uploaded official roster (with additions).
***Club admin building RCC Event
Creating an Event Roster as an Admin – GotSport (
Here is a link about how to build an RCC Event Roster as a Coach/Manager:
How do I Build an Event Roster- Coach/Manager – GotSport (
Here is a link as to how to clone a roster:
How to clone a roster as a Coach or Manager. – GotSport (
Related Links for Building GotSport Event Rosters:
Adding Guest Players from the RCC Athlete Pool:
How to Assign Guest Players to your Event Roster as a Coach/Manager – GotSport (
How to Remove a Player or Coach from a Roster
As a Coach/Manager, how to Remove a Player/Coach From the Roster – GotSport (
4) Verification and Approval of RCC Event Roster
Once all documents have been verified and your uploaded Official Roster has been matched to your RCC Event Roster, you will be notified that you are completely checked in and your team roster will be frozen.
Your RCC Event Roster will be your only roster for the tournament.
It will be printed on all Tournament Game Cards and brought to every match by the game official for player check in.
Only players appearing on the RCC Event Roster on the Game Card will be allowed to play.
5) How to Communicate with Tournament Staff about Online Check-in:
For initial questions, please contact
Once you have begun the roster building process, we can communicate with you directly through your application, with specific questions/answers.
Click the NOTIFY button – tiny print in top right area of the APPLICATION INFORMATION page within your team application.
Click Notify and type your question there and send to us. We will be alerted that you have a question and will respond in the same way.
Teams may roster up to 22/18/14 players for their specific tournament division (see RCC Rules). If there are players on your roster not attending the event, please cross those players off the roster before you scan it.
Up to 6 guest/club pass players are allowed per team, as long as the total number including those players does not exceed the total allowed number of players.
RCC Event Rosters must have unique jersey numbers for all players, including guest players.
How to find guest players from our athlete pool, click here.
Medical releases and player passes for players on your official roster SHOULD NOT be uploaded but must be available for review at every tournament game (electronically or hard copy)
*** MOST IMPORTANT – your GotSport RCC Event Roster MUST EXACTLY MATCH your uploaded official roster (with additions, if any).
Deadline to complete online check-in is midnight, Wednesday, May 15. All rosters will be frozen at that time which means no additional changes can be made.
Thank you to Our Real CO Cup and CO Showcase Partners!